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Saturday, 10 November 2012

Top 10 "Secret" Ways to Increase Your Web Traffic

Top 10 "Secret" Ways to Increase Your Web Traffic

Getting more page views is often the most important goal for Web developers. But there is more to getting page views than posting your site on search engines and writing your meta tags. There are some other things you can do to improve your chances.

1) Content
Create and maintain actual content on your Web site. If you're trying to sell something, it helps if you have articles and information about it. If you're providing information, make sure that you have more than just lists of links for your customers to browse. Having high quality content that is updated regularly will keep your customers coming back.

2) Write and send a newsletter regularly

Newsletters remind your customers that your site is still there. Even if everyone who is subscribed doesn't visit every time you send, you still keep your site in their mind. Also, since it's email it's easy for your readers to send it on to their friends, thus increasing your potential customer base.

3) Post to related newsgroups

Groups like Yahoo Groups, Google Groups, or even the About forums have many topics - there is sure to be one related to your Web site. Get involved with the forum - don't just post ads, and your site will get more traffic. Be sure to include your URL in your signature.

4) Post to related mailing lists

Just like the newsgroups, you should find related lists and get involved on them. You can find lists at TopicA and List Universe.

5) Run a contest

Contests get people interested in your site. And if you have a good prize, you'll get people excited to try to win. Be sure to include an official rules page, and you'll want to find out if there are any rules in your state our contry regarding contests For example, in Canada, there must be a skill testing question to determine the winner.

6) Invite a guest speaker to your site

If there is someone in your field who is fairly prestigious, ask them if they might come and chat with your readers. If you have a chat room, you can hold the event there, otherwise, you can hold it in a public chat room. If they don't want to chat, perhaps they would be willing to write a short note for your site. Remember it can't hurt to ask.

7) Advertise online and off

Banner ads and text links are important, but offline advertising works too. Radio ads, ads in trade journals, and so on all help to generate interest in your site.

8) Give away free items

Purchase things like pens or stress balls with your Web site name and URL on them and give them away to your customers. Perhaps you could give them something if they fill out a marketing survey. Or you could create a screen saver related to your topic and give it away to first time visitors.

9) Copy Winners

If there are sites in your topic area that already get lots of hits, visit them to see what they do that is different from your site. If it's at all possible, mimic what they do to add the same value on your site.

10) Watch your Page Views

Use your site tracking software to stay informed with what is working and what isn't. It doesn't do any good to purchase a new ad and then never determine if it actually worked.

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